Let us paint a picture for you. You’re putting together equipment for your new project when you come across a question that has been a long-standing debate in the industry.
PVC Trim or Wood Trim?
PVC Trim and Wood Trim find their place among several projects in the construction and remodeling of homes. While they both share functionalities, their usage has been a matter that has torn the industry.
Let us understand why:
PVC trim has many similarities to wooden trim but there are a couple of factors that make the former more durable or long-lasting than the latter. Unlike wood, PVC trim doesn’t rot, split, crack, warp or cup. It is also highly resistant to harmful insects and termites.
Maintaining a wood trim is far more difficult and time-consuming than ensuring that a PVC trim remains in good form. Earlier, PVC trim would last for 25-40 years but now, with advanced technology coming in, they exhibit a lifespan of 60-70 years.
Wood trims are heavy and difficult to install, which require more labor to install. However, their maintenance is where they tend to lose the audience. Maintaining wood trims can turn out to be a resource-exhaustive process.
On the other hand, PVC trims may have an easy installation yet they enjoy a maintenance cost that is much lower than wood trims along with lower transportation and delivery costs
In the final tally, PVC trims offer a more economical affair than installing wood trims.
White Design
By nature of its being, wood trim requires a layer of paint — the color of which lies on personal preferences. While some do opt for a more bare look, others prefer adding a touch of color.
On the other hand, you don’t need to paint a PVC trim. That said, while painting is not a necessary application when it comes to PVC trim, some people prefer doing it as it increases their longevity.
PVC trim features also a naturally white look that works as a big advantage. The all-white design of PVC trim has played an important role in making it the preferred choice for exterior trims for many. The bright white color of PVC trim works as a good contrast to the dark shades of many contemporary homes.
When you look for exterior trim, the strength of the material is one of the most important things to be considered. When you install a trim outside, it will be exposed to a variety of elements like dust, dirt, and water.
Over an extended period of time, water tends to cause wood trim to break down. No matter how the effort, an exterior trim, which is made of wood, will come in contact with water at some point and will likely experience deterioration.
In this case, a PVC trim offers more durability as it is stronger and also water-resistant.
So which do you prefer – Wood or Plastic?
In our research on the PVC vs wood trim debate, we found that the former does hold an edge over the latter. PVC trim offers much higher strength, better durability, easier maintenance processes and is less expensive than wood trim. Unlike wood, these are also lightweight in nature and water-resistant. Because of their tensile strength, there is little chance of them getting deformed over the years.
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